
Trials of Miles TC – Cross Country Extension and Nike Southwest Regional Training

  • Organized practice will start the Monday following the end of the athletes official cross country season.
  • Practice time and location is TBD.
  • Cost of the club is $75 which includes a TMTC t-shirt
  • Athletes interested in racing at Nike Southwest Regional can pay $100 for their club membership to also include a TMTC racing singlet, and cover the cost of registration into NXR.
  • Athletes in need of financial assistance should talk to Coach Swartz directly about potential scholarships.

Training Plan

Registration Form

  • The deadline for registration has passed. If you are still interested in training & attending, please reach out to Coach Swartz at
    • Checks can be made out to “Trials of Miles TC.” or venmo @JackSwartz (Please include the athletes name.)